Six Myths About Life Coaches

life coach myths personal growth Jan 31, 2022

After writing a blog, Why Does Someone Need a Life Coach? I thought it would be appropriate to have a blog called, Six Myths About Life Coaches. 

 I'm sure if you search on a web browser "myths about life coaches," you would find a bunch of information and articles, but some of the main ones that stuck with me are these six below. 

 Based on a post I found called Life Coaching Myths, here are a few of the main myths:


  1. Life Coaches have a perfect life
  2. Coaching is only for people who have problems 
  3. Life coaches tell their clients what to do
  4. Life coaching is expensive 
  5. You have to know what you want before you hire a life coach
  6. You have to be feeling "stuck" to need a life coach


Myth #1: Life coaches have a perfect life

Whether you are a life coach, a mom, a chef, a bank teller, or anything else, I can guarantee that no one's life is perfect, and no individual is perfect. There is no such thing as perfect in this world. Life is about progress, not perfection. Why aim for a goal that absolutely no one in this world can achieve. Myth is gone. 


Myth #2: Coaching is only for people who have problems 

Times have changed in this world! People don't just have a life coach because someone couldn't succeed in life; people have life coaches nowadays to have someone to hold them accountable, reach future goals, and have someone who will empower them and someone who believes in them when they sometimes won't. Myth: Destroyed. 


Myth #3: Life coaches tell their clients what to do

We are not here as life coaches telling our clients what to do. When you coach someone, it is not cookie-cutter; give instructions to someone. Being a life coach is helping people explore what someone wants and give ideas so people can then make that choice on their own. The main point is to help someone reach a goal. There goes another myth. 


Myth #4: Life coaching is expensive 

Not all life coaches charge as much as you think, and you probably spend more on groceries a month for your family than you would having a session with me. Sometimes you have to think to yourself, "will this better me and my life"? When you achieve your goals and start living the life you want, I'm sure you'll agree that money was well spent. Myth crushed!


Myth #5: You have to know what you want before you hire a life coach 

You don't need to know precisely what you want before hiring a life coach. Still, you as an individual may realize you don't want life to continue the way it is right now, and that's a start! Through life coaching, you can gain what you want and start to have the life you want. The myths are dropping like flies! 



Myth #6: You have to be feeling "stuck" to need a life coach  

You shouldn't have to wait to feel stuck to get help or direction then. Just like from the post, Life Coaching Myths, "you don't have to wait to be overweight or completely unfit before you get a personal trainer." It doesn't matter where you start on your journey or where you want to end up. Life coaching can help you get to the next point. Myth obliterated. 


I hope after reading this, it has given you new insight into what life coaches are here for and how they can benefit people in so many ways. Take some time and think about your life and all the success and goals you have accomplished. If you need help from someone or need someone to talk to, do it! It will only help you, not hurt you! You are never "weak" for asking or taking the initiative.

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