Penis 101

May 01, 2023
love coach

For the longest time, this apparatus was frightening for me. I grew up in a family with all girls. My father was a conservative man, so we never saw him in other than his work clothes, shorts, and long johns. Plus, the toilet seat was never up, which was a point of contention in my marriage. I never can understand it to this day. Anyhow, the penis was a stranger to me. Until it wasn't…LOL.

Let's get to know the Penis, shall we?

The penis includes the :

  • shaft
  • corona
  • glans
  • frenulum
  • meatus
  • foreskin
  • The scrotum, which is the skin encasing the testicles, are located below the penis but, nevertheless, all a vital part of the male sexual organs.
  • Past the penis, located between the testicles and anus, lies a strip of skin called the perineum.

The average penis is 5.5" long. Of course, every woman has her own size preference and what gets her motor running, but I think if you're basing the relationship on the size of the penis, that might be something to dive deeper into. I conversed with a gentleman 60 yrs old and three times women wanted a picture of his penis to ensure his size was acceptable. I get it, and we want what we want, but really? You would miss out on a fantastic guy because of his penis size? After all, they know and usually compensate in other areas of lovemaking. I would suggest remaining open.

The prostate is considered the male G-spot. A finger or vibrator can stimulate it into the anus. Please be careful that nothing gets lost in the anus, and once it opens, it will suck anything into it with no return. You will need lubrication and go slow. It's a come hither motion with your finger once inserted in the anus. Some men like it deeper others will like a lighter touch. Ask. And no, it doesn't threaten their sexuality because they want anal play.


Have you encountered a partner who doesn't like to wear a condom?

 Here's an answer for excuses not to use a condom:


Excuse: I don't think condoms are romantic

Answer: Just let me show you how romantic condoms can be.

Excuse: You don't trust me, do you?

Answer: It's not a matter of trust; it's a matter of health.

Excuse: I don't like to use condoms

Answer: I don't have sex without them.

Excuse: I haven't had sex with anyone in years, so I know I'm clean

Answer: Thanks for being so honest, but let's use one anyway.

Excuse: It doesn't feel as good when I wear a condom

Answer: Let me provide you with some extra stimulation.

Excuse: I'm only going not to use a condom this once

Answer: Once is all it takes.

Excuse: Sorry, I don't have one

Answer: That's ok. I do.

Excuse: How come you have condoms on you? Did you plan to have sex with


Answer: I made sure I had some because I really care about you.

Excuse: Forget it. I'm not going to use a condom

Answer: Fine. Then let's not have sex until we can work out our differences.


Here are some generalizations about men.

  • Men want to conquer
  • Men want to impress and be admired
  • The male brain places achievement at the top of its priority list
  • Men focus on narrow issues and are able to separate unrelated information
  • Men can detach their emotions, relationships, and information into separate compartments in their brains
  • Men can focus on specific tasks for long periods of time without distraction.
  • Men focus on individual issues with parts of their brain.
  • Men have 20 times more testosterone than women making them more independent and dominant
  • In men, their primary sense is visual, which is why so many men enjoy porn
  • Men's fantasies include images of sexual body parts, and they focus on orgasm
  • Men like to hear graphic sexual words in bed
  • Modern man still has the innate programming from his caveman era to hunt and spread his seed

The bottom line is this. Men are the bees for our nectar. (Otherwise, the Vulva is your nectar if men ain't your thing!) You get to decide what attracts you to them. Only you know the size, shape, personality, ethnicity, big dick, and small dick. Whatever you're drawn to is meant for you. So have fun and be safe!

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